Starlight the star on Sound On Sound cover
The latest issue of renowned audio authority Sound On Sound has hit the news-stands, featuring the Aston Starlight as the cover pin-up. Appropriately enough the multi-voice, laser-guided, small diaphragm condenser is the magazine’s choice to illustrate their lead story, ‘How to mic anything’.
In the article, Editor in Chief Paul White discusses recording environments, mic placement, microphone types, stereo techniques and the challenges posed by various instruments.
“Sounds good on just about anything.”
Sound on Sound Magazine
Versatility runs through the Aston range and Starlight is a great example of a mic that can not only deal with a wide range of sound sources, but offer a choice of sonic interpretations, courtesy of its three voices; vintage, modern and hybrid. These can be switched in situ to offer a choice of sounds without the need to change microphones. This, plus roadworthy build quality and the unique, time-saving, laser-guided positioning, has made Starlight a favourite among the world’s top touring engineers, especially as the mic is available in meticulously matched stereo pairs. Starlight has hwon numerous industry awards, including Music Tech’s ‘Gear of the Year’ and a nomination for 'Best in Show' in the coveted international NAMM TEC Awards.

“This is what I've been looking for, FOR YEARS!”
Geoff Dugmore, Drummer (Tina Turner, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen)
It’s Aston’s second appearance on the SOS cover, with the NAMM TEC Award-winning Stealth bestowed the honour during the media stir that accompanied its 2019 launch. Sharing Starlight’s ability to change sounds without changing mics, Stealth offers four switchable voices and passive/active modes, with a built-in Class A preamp. ‘The most versatile mic in the world’ was recently put to the test in the ‘Stealth Challenge’, where the experts at Leeds College of Music used multiple Stealths to record a full band, with stunning results.
And Aston’s latest baby, the Element, is already gaining a reputation as a phenomenal all-rounder, as witnessed in Recording Magazine’s recent review, which culminated in a video of their editor and reviewers, plus friends, recording a full ensemble performance using only the new ‘People’s Microphone’.
Our thanks to Paul White and the Sound on Sound team for spreading the love!
Check out the article in the March 2021 issue of Sound On Sound.
More on Aston Starlight
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