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From thrash to synthwave with British metal megastar Carl Bown

Category : Producers

Carl Bown is a name that needs no introduction in the UK metal scene, having produced such luminaries as Bullet For My Valentine, Trivium, Machine Head and As I Lay Dying as well as founding his own recording headquarters, Treehouse Studio. But he’s also branching out with the likes of up-and-coming UK synthwave sensation Gunship.

Despite working with some of the biggest names in rock, Carl takes particular pride in discovering new talent. He recalls watching While She Sleeps’ sold out Camden Roundhouse show, thinking back to the 50-person music halls they were playing when he first started working with them. Carl has produced four of the metalcore band’s albums, the latter two using Aston Spirit.

Carl owns a full house of Aston mics, choosing Starlight for acoustic guitar and Spirit and Stealth for bass. Carl recollects how he came to use Aston:

“I remember putting up the Sony C-800 up against the Spirit in some vocal tests with Bullet for my Valentine. We hired a load of mics in to test for the session. I was blown away with how the spirit stood up against.  I just love Aston’s punk rock attitude of “That’s how it’s always been done. How can we do it now?”

Read our exclusive interview with Carl Bown here

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