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Introducing Aston Halo Ghost

Category : Products

Are you haunted by bad room acoustics?

Halo Ghost is for those of you who’ve been asking for a version of the world’s best reflection filter with the right aesthetic for your cool, minimalist, digital-age studio spaces. We heard you!

This curvaceous beauty deals with floor and ceiling reflection, not just on the horizontal plane like most on the market. And built-in diffusion delivers a balanced, natural sound in pretty much any room. Patented, recycled PET felt construction makes Halo super-lightweight and quick to set-up. It can be used on any mic stand, and will it wobble or droop? Not a ghost of a chance.

As Paul White, editor of SoundOnSound commented: “I think the Halo sets a new bar for personal vocal booths.” Spooky... that’s what we were thinking too


  • The ultimate in portable acoustic booth technology
  • Pure white
  • 360 Filtering kills floor, ceiling and wall reflections
  • Lightweight, patented PET felt construction
  • Easy-mount hardware
  • Built in front and rear diffusion



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