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Ian Wright, True Geordie and Three Aston Spirits!

Category : Artists

Footballer and TV celebrity Ian Wright joins the awesome True Geordie - and three Aston Spirits - to talk about an amazing career on the pitch and the screen. The Arsenal and England legend details his journey from breaking the law and spending time in prison, to breaking goal records and from being initially shunned by TV to becoming a regular on Match of the Day. 

Stellar Youtuber True Geordie’s recent guests have included footie legends Alan Shearer and Kieron Dyer, and singer and football fan Robbie Williams. His podcasts are regularly watched by over half a million fans. He was the commentator for the famous Logan Paul vs KSI Youtuber showdown fight. True Geordie is also true Aston, with the Spirit having long been his go-to microphone for his verbal jousts.

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