Aston Stealth makes its way to Poland in a glowing review from Estrada
Estrada, Poland’s premier audio website, is the latest to be bowled over by our newest baby, Aston Stealth.

Tomasz Wróblewski was particularly impressed by Stealth’s quality, versatility and originality.
In regards to Stealth’s numerous options, Tomasz said that “the sound of individual characteristics are so different that you can agree with the producer's suggestion that Stealth is basically four microphones in one.”
Tomasz found Stealth to be a completely unique product with “no direct counterparts” in the otherwise stagnant market, where “such innovative solutions are rarely encountered among microphones.”
With such versatility and innovation, it’s hard not agree with Tomasz’s assertion that “there will always be some application for Stealth in every recording studio.”
Thanks Tomasz!
Read the full review here