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Supporting the Paul Savage Music Marathon

Category : Events

We are proud to support the Paul Savage Music Marathon on behalf of the Freemans Heart & Lung Transplant Association (Reg. charity: 1157894).

The Music Marathon has been set up in memory of musician Paul Savage, who received a heart transplant through the FHLTA. David Cannon, Paul’s best friend and event organiser, provided us with the following about Paul and the charity:

“Our dear friend Paul Savage passed away Christmas Day 2017 in hospital, Paul was a huge inspiration to many. Paul was a passionate guitar player and music lover, he was admired equally for his skills on the guitar as he was for his unwavering kindness and compassion. He was always there for those in need; for every man, woman, and animal.

The Freeman Heart & Lung Transplant Association kept Paul in the best shape they could throughout the years and Paul had many life-extending operations. Throughout that time, they managed to give Paul 22 more years of life.

Paul raised money for the charity as he was eternally grateful for that second chance at life; he abseiled from the Tyne Bridge, the Runcorn Bridge and found many more bold and brave ways of raising cash throughout his lifetime. He embodied the saying “Life is a Journey, Go and Live it” and he did. He was my best friend and I loved him like a brother. On his death, I made a promise that I would continue the good work he did for this wonderful charity.”

We want to wish David the best of luck with this event, and hope he surpasses the fundraising goal for this wonderful charity, and we’re glad our mics can go some small way to contributing to the fundraiser inspired by someone so passionate about music.

If you’d like to donate to this event, you can do so on David’s JustGiving page:

For more information on the FHLTA and the work that they do, visit their website:



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