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Stellar FOH enginner Russell Tite - using Astons live with the Bottlemen

Category : Artists

FOH engineer Russell Tite delivers the sound for bands like Catfish and the Bottlemen, The Wombats and the Kooks, but he only chose to go to college and do a sound engineering course as he “didn’t really want to start working”.

The course was studio based but he landed a gig doing sound for punk/metal bands in a local venue. A guitarist since the age of 15, he started fining himself more interested in mixing the music than playing it.

Now he’s mic’ing top bands at huge venues and Aston mics are a fixture in his sonic armoury. He uses stereo Starlights as drum overheads:

“Putting them equidistant and then using the laser to get them both aiming at the same spot on the snare drum, gave an incredible overall kit sound.” He told us.

The Aston Spirit also features as Russell’s go-to mic for guitar cabs:

“They are awesome. Any mic that you can just hi pass and bam, you’ve got a killer sound, is a winner.”

Thanks for the support Russell and welcome to the Aston family!


Read our full interview with Russell Tite here.


Below: The Wombats on stage with Starlights overhead.

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