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Metal guru Jeramie Kling talks high-altitude and beautiful tanks

Category : Artists

As drummer with The Absence, Jeramie Kling has scaled the heights of the metal business, in fact he actually wears a high altitude mask when he’s in training for a tour!

He has also established himself as a go-to live and recording engineer for some of the biggest - and loudest - acts around, including SEPULTURA, Venom, Death Angel and Exodus to name but a few.

Whether out on the road or studio based, Jeramie usually has his Aston microphones to hand:

“I have used both Starlight and Origin mics in the studio and on the road. They never fail – these microphones are like beautiful tanks! The sound quality is second to none."

He’s also rather partial to the Aston Halo reflection filter:

“The isolation I am getting with that Is quite amazing – slapbacks are thing of the past!” he told us.

Welcome to the Aston family Jeramie!

Read more on Jeramie Kling’s amazing twin careers in our full interview here:

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