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Aston artist hosts Cathedral exhibition

Category : Events

Hot on the heels of his trip to China to create a ‘live’ artwork on Aston’s Music China event booth, our in-house street-art maestro Ant Steel is holding an exhibition of his original works in the splendour of St.Albans Cathedral, Hertfordshire, where he is also artist-in-residence. 'Graffiti and Grace' has received widespread coverage including a feature on the BBC News website.
 “Immerse yourself in the stunning results of an eight-month-long collaboration inspired by the Cathedral, with a special focus on graffiti art. Discover the art created with the local community, showcased alongside Ant's original masterpieces.” reads the cathedral’s press release.
The award-winning artist, AKA ‘Ants’, who has created many of Aston’s centrepieces, from steampunks to cyberdudes, studied graphic design and advertising at the Johannesburg Art Foundation. He now runs “Keepit Street,” a business providing street art solutions to businesses.

Of St.Albans Cathedral, Ans says he finds inspiration in the rich history and emotions that cathedrals and churches evoke. He has a deep appreciation for the beauty and significance of these architectural marvels.

Quoted on the BBC website, Canon Kevin Walton said St Albans Cathedral was "very blessed by Ant's time with us. Art and beauty have long enhanced this sacred space, both in formal ways but also in those informal marks of graffiti left by generations of pilgrims," he said.

'Graffiti and Grace' by Ant Steel runs until November 30th at St. Albans Cathedral.


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