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Origins, Spirits and Good News with the multi-talented Jake Morelli

Category : Artists

Producer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Jake Morelli has worked with Ed Sheeran, Bruno Mars, Roberta Flack, The Roots among others and now works with his wife, Donn T, and Chill Moody on their new &More project. He also tours with ‘YMCA’ legends Village People.

Jake also loves recording, a passion that started aged four when his Grandfather used to record him singing and playing on his cassette recorder. Jake still has the tapes and plans to include some clips on his forthcoming solo album, due for release in 2019.

When he’s not on the road Jake spends time in the studio he now runs with his wife, where alongside Logic X and Ableton systems and a Raven control surface, they use Aston Origin and Spirit microphones:

“The Aston mics have been shining across a variety of applications. They just seem to sound good on everything. They’re awesome!” Jake told us.

“The studio has been around and in the family for roughly 20 years now and has recorded a laundry list of who's who in the industry. Lots of love and incredible music have emerged from these walls in Philadelphia over the years, no question.”

Look out for Jake’s live shows with &More and Village People and for the release of his blues-infused solo album, Good News, due out in 2019.

Welcome to the Aston family Jake!

Read more on Jake’s amazing career in our full interview here:


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