LIVE Q&A with Aston CEO James Young – 6pm (UK) this Tuesday 7th April on Instagram
Your chance to ask anything and everything you ever wanted to know about the Aston brand!
Last week’s live Q&A on Facebook was a blast, with our friends from all over the world getting involved, so this Tuesday we’re doing it again for all you Instagram fans!
It’s your chance to ask Aston CEO James Young anything and everything you ever wanted to know about the Aston brand, from the gear itself to the ever-growing Aston family of artists, engineers and producers, and the Aston 33 panel of professionals who play such an important part in each mic’s development.
Get the inside story of how Aston Stealth went from an idea on paper to become an international NAMM TEC Award winner, how the Origin changed the way microphones are designed and built, and the secrets behind making mics for $300 that sound as good as ‘industry standard’ mics costing $3000+.
Tips, tricks, choosing the right mic and much more – just ask away! You can email us your questions in advance if you like too – [email protected] – just put InsatQ in the subject title.
Join James on Aston’s Instagram at 6pm UK, 7PM CET, 10am PST, 1pm EST, this Tuesday 7th April and join the party!
FInd us on Instagram - @astonmics