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Aston Origin - The Birth of a Brand - Part 3

Category : Products

"The U87 for the new millennium.”

The Aston Origin established the personality, values and direction of the Aston brand; free-thinking, rule-breaking innovation and a seemingly impossible union of world-class performance, near-indestructible build quality and affordability. The mic’s 2016 launch unsurprisingly attracted a great deal of buzz amongst music and audio professionals and in the world’s related media. After all, nothing much genuinely ‘new’ tends to happen in the mic industry outside of occasional attention-seeking gimmickry.

And what a reception! Comparisons to mics ten times the price were commonplace: Gearslutz heralded the Origin:

“…the U87 for the new millennium.”

Audio Fanzine concurred:

Origin is a product of original design, quality and flawless workmanship… a serious contender to the U87”

and Music Tech Magazine also set Origin against tough opposition, with the new kid on the block again winning the day:

“Blind testing with the artist against an AKG C12 VR showed a clear preference for the Origin”

Origin scooped awards and rave reviews from all quarters, including Future Music Magazine’s Platinum Award, Five Stars from Gearslutz and Music Tech Magazine’s 10/10 Excellence Award. It was a finalist in the MIA (Musical Instrument Association) Awards 2016.


Read the reviews of the Aston Origin


The word spread and now, only a couple of years later, the Aston Origin features in the hands of music and audio icons the world over. Artists of note partaking of Origin’s warm charms include Black Stone Cherry, Chainsmokers, Jamie Pop-Morrison (Stereophonics), Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit), Napalm Death and A Perfect Circle among many others, and the engineering and production fraternity have also welcomed Origin into their worlds.

Legendary producer Steve Levine (Culture Club, The Clash, The Beach Boys and many more) echoed the opinions of the media in terms of Origin holding its own against some expensive rivals:

“I would argue very strongly that in terms of the sound, Origin stands up very well to a U87 or 47, it really does.”

The view is shared by another luminary, George Michael’s producer Chris Porter (who has also worked with David Bowie, Think Lizzy and countless other iconic artists):

“I use my Origin and Spirits happily alongside classic microphones such as the Neumann 49b, U87 or AKG C414s and often choose the Astons.”

Easy to forget the Aston Origin costs a fraction of the price of some of the mics it consistently gets compared with. Aston’s first baby now has two siblings, the multi-pattern Spirit and the laser-guided Starlight, both of which are finding their way into the studios and onto the stages of the world’s biggest acts, but the mic that launched and defined Britain’s greatest microphone company will always be the Origin.


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Click to read The Birth of a Brand Part 1

Click to read The Birth of a Brand Part 2



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