“There was a consistent contrast between the Beyer and the Stealth, more top end on the Stealth and a distinctly warmer bottom on the M99. Having said that I felt the Stealth had more weight in the bottom than the very well regarded Heil PR40 and in my very limited use of other people’s ears the Stealth won out as having more presence.”

“Stealth is an incredibly versatile performer.”

“Mechanical handling was commendably low – at least 10 dB better than the M99 when both were directly mounted to a bar.”

“What do you know – innovation in the microphone world without DSP is still a thing!”

“I dropped the Stealth into three or four live gigs as a vocal mic and each time it did sterling duty – it cuts through the mix easily.”

“Aston are claiming that this is the world’s most versatile microphone, and to be fair, they have a point.”

“British mic makers Aston are not in the business of same old same old and their new Stealth mic is here to prove it.”

“It’s safe to say a lot of thought has gone into the Stealth, and a lot of listening too.”

“James Young from Aston outlines three factors in the sound of a mic – the capsule, the electronics and the mechanics. Each area has been addressed by Aston in the Stealth and it really is a special mic.”

“The Stealth works well on a guitar cab, mean enough for the level, detailed enough for definition and weighty enough to be full bodied.”