Howie: “They were using just Aston mics in the beginning which was great. Leifur has been in the studio an awful lot, Klemens also, but as an artist, not actually behind the desk. In the beginning they were just working at their own studio, that’s where I heard your mics for the first time and I was really shocked actually, which was really good for me! They were using them for amps but whenever it was for the vocals, that’s what was really interesting for me. Klemens has got an amazing low to high range and he holds it very well, he doesn’t break, and to hear your mics pick it up, I was really impressed.
They were playing around with the mic and I love that, I encourage that in them, using mics they would never have thought of. The tracks they were building had 15 to 20 vocals going and I said a simple way of just getting more definition is changing mic, don’t use the same mic for every singer. So they’re getting into that whole aspect of learning recording techniques.”
Leifur: “We just renovated the basement of Klemens’ house, and that’s our recording studio until we get the project finished. It was very convenient, we just we pulled together all our gear and moved in there.
It’s pretty much all in the box, on the iMac, with a custom-built stereo pre-amp built by a local guy. We have an upright piano, a Wurlitzer, stuff like that, and a few mics lying around. We’ve been using the Astons a lot. I’m using the Stealth for all the guitar stuff, on the 4x12 cabinet, using the G setting, and then the Spirit for the upright piano. I actually just received the new one, the Element, but I haven’t tried it out yet properly. I especially like the Stealth because in the past I’ve used the SM7 a lot on vocals and everything but the Stealth just feels right at home for me, like out of the box. You can do so much more with it, you’re not confined to that one sound, you get everything you like from the SM7 but more. It just works, you know?”